Now-DNS Free DDNS Update Clients

At Now-DNS we've tried to make it as simple as possible to keep your DDNS domains up to date with your current IP address, whether it be IPv4 or IPv6.

For Windows users we have two simple auto updating clients. Our Updater Client is run by thousands of users every day.
The source code for the Updater Client is published on github here if you are interested.

We also publish a simple Powershell updater script that can be scheduled to run periodically to check in and update your IP.

Powershell DDNS update script

For Android users we recommend using Neil Boyd's Dynamic DNS Client. This client works well with Now-IP and is very simple to get working.

Linux users (or any *nix) are encouraged to use our API directly using tools such as curl. Updating your IP is as simple as running the following command.
curl -u <email>:<password> "<hostname>"
You need to replace the following

<email> with your Now-DNS login email address.
<password> with your Now-DNS password.
<hostname> with the hostname you wish to update.

We have made available the domain * for users of the amazing Raspberry PI

Now-IP also supports Mikrotik routers such as the brilliant hEX lite switch.

Check out our forum post on how to update!

We hope this is useful to our users, there are more helpful tips, including updating IPv6 on our API help page. You will need to be signed up and logged in to be able to view that page!

Now-DNS Free DDNS Dynamic DNS


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